Welcome to Mississippi!

June 27, 2013

Today Great Race started in Tennessee, moved quickly across the Mississippi River into Arkansas for a long morning’s drive. Feeling like a New England poet, I decided to take the road less travelled…”Then took the other, as just as fair,  And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;”… (Robert Frost). It just seemed like the right thing to do. As I meandered towards the noon stop I was again struck by the flatness of the land, the richness of the soil, the magnificent irrigation systems and the quality of the crops; corn as high as the sky, water deep rice beds, soybeans like I’ve never seen before and it wasn’t just until lunch in Monticello, Arkansas, but continued throughout the day until reaching Vicksburg, Mississippi. The sheer mass of land that when not flooded produces amazing amounts of food is stunning! Speaking of food, both our noon hosts and our evening hosts offered us superb meals. Again tonight the Great Race rests on the banks of the Mississippi. I think that I have crossed the river 12 times so far. Today was the first time that I really felt the heat…mid 90s throughout both shows was starting to get to this old guy! Vicksburg is a historical city; will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Vicksburg this weekend. According to my friend, Corky, the war had two names (depending on one’s perspective). It was either the “Civil War” or the “War of Northern Aggression!”
As I put this blog to rest, just beyond the windows of this hotel room I hear the sounds of a long night ahead for some rally teams, with brakes being fixed, tires changed and whatever it takes to be ready for Stage 7! Get ready Natchez and Baton Rouge!

3 comments about “Welcome to Mississippi!”

  • While driving east on U.S.49 today I was surprised to see first, two pre-1920 race cars then, several more and then a whole bunch more. As I came into West Helena I saw several ’60 era classic cars. It brought a quickening of my heartbeat to see the cars of my youth. Much luck to you as you travel down the river.

    David Cope

  • We all so enjoyed your visit to our city. Sorry about the high heat and humidity that greeted y’all. So is life in the summer in Mississippi.

  • Saw some cars passing through Transylvania, LA going south on Hwy 65 last evening around 5 p.m. You would have seen fields of soybeans and corn here with some rice and cotton. The village’s white water tower has a black bat painted on it!

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