We cannot tell you how many times we have uttered the words, Curse you John Classen. John is the Rally Master of the Great Race working hard to create fun, yet very challenging routes for our rally. But really John we will never forget the 3-legged dog that ran out in front of our car just before a checkpoint! And the Trains, the Combines, the Herd of Cows and the Amish Buggies(!!)
John how DO you arrange for all the crazy things to pull out right in front of us when we are supposed to be going 35 mph? Stay on course OK. Stay on time not always so easy.
But you will be right on course when you Donate to the 4th Annual Auction for Autism. Take a look at https://vcra.tofinoauctions.com/auctionforautism11/donation_items to see the Auction items we have in so far!