More than two dozen current and former Great Racers were at the Concours of America July 28 at St. Johns in Michigan, including 2013 Great Marshal Wayne Carini. Here he is pictured with Jim Menneto from title sponsor Hemmings Motor News, and both Pat Brothers. The concours featured a Great Race Class and 10 cars from around the country were there. There were more than 275 cars in the concours in more than two dozen categories. Wayne was spreading the word about the Great Race to everyone at the event, including telling several people about he and Theresa Coker getting an Ace on the Trophy Run prior to the start in St. Paul in June. Wayne is seriously considering participating for multiple days in the 2014 Great Race since the first three days are near his home in New England.
This looks like it would be wonderful. How close will it come to Wilmington, N.C.
(and what date)? maybe I could hook up there and follow along from there. Can anyone advise me with details please?