As a Great Race tradition, Great Race Teams are once again competing to raise money to Fight Autism One Mile At A Time! All you have to do is ask friends, family and co-workers to give tax deductible (to the extent of the law) donations to the Vintage Car Rally Association (VCRA) in honor of your Great Race team. Since 2006 the VCRA, a federal nonprofit 501(c)3 and the official charity of the Great Race, has donated over $785,000 to Schools, Centers and Institutions across America. You can find out how to enter here:
The Teams that raise the most money to fight Autism will win amazing prizes!
GRAND PRIZE to the Team that raises the most money:
You and Your Great Race Car will be
Featured on the Cover of the October 2018 (Great Race issue) Hemmings Motor News
Plus Your Name in Hemmings
1st Place: Custom Painting of You and Your Great Race Car + Your Name in Hemmings
2nd Place: $1,000 Adams Polishes Gift Card + Your Name in Hemmings
3rd Place: $500 Coker Tire Gift Certificate + Your Name in Hemmings
4th 10th Place: Adams Polishes Car Care Kit and $25 Gift Card + Your Name in Hemmings
But of course, the real winner is the kids with Autism who benefit from your donations. Just imagine, if every Great Race team raises $1,000 we can make a positive impact on thousands of Autistic Kids. Last years VCRA Race for Autism raised over $132,000. Lets do it again!
We will make this easy for you by setting up your personal ask website. And we will be here to help you in any way we can. Contact Pat n Pat Brothers at or 503-313-1956 with any questions and help setting up your website.
If you prefer to make a personal or business donation Pat n Pat will be in Buffalo to accept checks and credit card donations!
My family saw many of these cars today (and followed) to the Iroquois preserve. The above story made me cry as my son who was in the car today (very excited to see Hudson hornet) is not what you would consider a high functioning autistic. We live in a very small town and autistic kids are not well understood in school. Every dollar raised helps raise awareness. THANK YOU from the very bottom of mine and my families heart.