MUST READ: A Few Words from MotorMouth about the 2017 Great Race

May 30, 2017

Hello Great Racer Family,

At the very time that “MotorMouth” should be gearing up and getting ready to face the challenges of yet another Hemmings Motor News Great Race presented by Hagerty, I find myself facing a new challenge, a health challenge that unfortunately will not allow me to participate in this year’s event. I ended up in hospital recently after losing my balance in a rather severe manner. I have since learned that I’d had a few minor strokes. After extensive and excellent medical care in our local hospital, I’m now facing further appointments with both a cardiologist and a vascular surgeon.

I am at home now, receiving excellent care and supervision from my family and will be starting my stroke recovery journey next week as an outpatient doing a rehabilitation program. I have mobility with the assistance of a walker. My iPad has become a new found friend and sending emails is keeping me in touch with folks. I also have a new found love for exercise/physical fitness and a special diet.

For the first time in 22 years, MotorMouth will have to cheer from the side of the road. It will be necessary for me to reacquire my drivers license once I am back to ‘normal’. I will follow everyday to keep tabs on not only so many teams that I have followed for years, but to also learn about the new rookie teams.

Should you hear an extra loud cheer coming from afar…it’ll be “MotorMouth” wishing success to every participant and at the same time thanking my entire Great Race family for what has been an unbelievable life experience.

My goal…see you all at the start line in Buffalo next year!


33 comments about “MUST READ: A Few Words from MotorMouth about the 2017 Great Race”

  • Praying for a speedy recovery! You will do great in the rehab program! See you next year in Buffalo.— Spirit of Stahl’s Team

  • Brian, We will all miss your presence and your voice. I know you will return. On June 6, 2014 I suffered a TIA with left side paralysis. I had surgery 4 days later and was unable to participate in the 2014 Great Race. I have recovered and I know you will also!! My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family for a speedy recovery. Tom Regan #28

  • Hi Brian,
    After a day of racing through unknowns your uplifting voice was a welcomed consistency. Please hurry back. You will be sorely missed.
    Godspeed to a quick recovery!
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • MotorMouth,

    I can’t imagine a Great Race without your presence. So this year’s race will only be a “Good” Race. I wish the best for you my friend and hope your recovery is quick.
    Jim Menneto and the Hemmings Motor News Team.

  • MotorMouth,

    You will be greatly missed. I will be with John Corey this year in a 54 Stude. Two studs in a Stude. I will be praying for a quick and complete recovery. I am sure John will have a great blog to follow. Your friend Dale Kasson

  • Motor Mouth,

    This will be my 19th year in the Great Race and I will miss you telling the crowds how my son and I won the Rolex watches and trying to pronounce Tony Chachere as my sponsor. Get well soon and hope to see you next year. Richard, Ken and Ethan Fredette

  • Motor Mouth,
    You will be missed this year. Please follow the doctors advice so you can help us all “bring it on in” during the 2018 Great Race.

  • Brian,
    Our first Great Race was your second, so I can’t imagine a race without you. I have watched other’s try to attempt your job….there was only one other man who came close and he is no longer with us.
    Good luck to the guy who has to take your place. Those are some mighty big shoes to fill.
    My thoughts and prayers will be with you, but I know with your determination and the love of your family you will be back on the road soon.
    Love ya
    Sue Davidson

  • This year’s Great Race certainly will be missing a very important person. I know this will be behind you soon and you will soon be back with us. As you go through your recovery know we will be keeping you in our prayers. Gary & Jean Ann

  • God’s speed to a full recovery. Prayers are with you at this time!

    Lex #75 / 1954 Chevy St. Paul to Mobile

  • God’s speed to a full recovery. Prayers are with you at this time!

    Lex #75 / 1954 Chevy St. Paul to Mobile

  • We’ve only been to one Great Race start, Ogunquit Maine but your voice booming out over the cars at the Beach was unforgettable! We echo the good wishes of others and prayers for a speedy recovery…you will be amazed at the accomplishments you will have in outpatient rehab….I had it for close to a year after a fall. Relearned balance and more. You have the determination- go get em.

  • Oh, NO, MoMO! It won’t be the same with you off-site(s), but we’ll carry you with us in spirit (or more, if we can quickly make a stuffed plush replica to add to our travelling mascot collection!). Be careful and strong. I expect daily comments on the blog!

  • Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. You will be missed.
    Bob Marak and Bruce Bernbaum. Team 61– (you couldn’t pronounce fahrtvergnugen so you just called us Team Ragtop).

    Speedy recovery my friend

  • We will miss you! Since our 1st Great Race your voice has been such a highlight as we come to the daily stops, and hear the great words of encouragement you always give us. We wish you a speedy recovery and will look forward to seeing you in Buffalo in 2018.

    Lauren & Ken
    Team Altered States (#20)
    1965 Ford Ranchero Deluxe

  • God Bless!
    Best of luck, with your good attitude, you should be able to make a very good recovery.

  • Motormouth
    You certainly have my prayers for a speedy recovery. You have always made it GREAT for every single Greatracer, staff, sponsor, media and fan; and I am just stunned you are on the sideline this year.
    It won’t be the same without your talent, knowledge, expertise
    and voice. Look forward to your updates and return. God bless!

  • Motormouth, I’d say you were just making excuses to stay at home and watch the Stanley Cup, but since there are no Canadians teams in it this year, I guess that excuse won’t work in this case. Work your rehab and get well in time to send us off from Buffalo in ’18. We’ll be seeing a lot of your native land during that race. Prayers for your recovery.

    Jim O’C Team Hemmings

  • Good grief Motormouth, by all means take care of yourself first and foremost. Our prayers are with you. You will be sorely missed, and it’s not easy to sit by while the circus is traveling. We’ll be blogging on the LeMay-America’s Car Museum site, and we’ll keep you in mind.

  • Oh, my word! Can they even hold a Great Race without Motormouth!?!? Brian, you created many wonderful memories for the Bobcats team over five races. We are grateful. Know that you’re in our prayers. See you in next year’s event.

  • All the best in your recovery, Brian! It shouldn’t take a hardy Canuck long to get back in tip-top shape! We look forward to seeing you again in Buffalo!

  • We will miss your welcome every evening! Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery. As we always say, I will see you down the road!

  • You leave a lasting impression so hurry up and get well! We remember our race fondly, and you!. 2003 participants, Rookie team CCHS Albany NY

  • Wishing you the Best! The whole Team is praying for your recovery. Hope to see you in Buffalo.

  • I am both touched and encouraged by the many postings that have been made here. As many of you know, having the honour of announcing Great Race events is my passion and I will miss it more than you can imagine. I am starting post stroke therapy next week, to improve both cognitive and physical strengths.
    I’ll be sure to follow every day of the event with great interest.
    To Finish is To Win!

  • Will really miss you on the Great
    Race. It is wonderfull to hear
    your great voice and see your wonderfull
    smile at each days finish. You know the regular racers so well- your knowledge
    adds so much to the spectators
    at the finish.
    We are dedicating our run in the race this year to you. Take care-
    Charlie and the Tooth Fairy-
    car 36.

  • MotorMouth, we will be posting race updates from the Wandering Troubadours of Finland on the WTF Great Race page on Facebook. Be sure to check in!

  • Brian, we’ll think of you every day on the Great Race this year. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Hope I can teach your replacement how to pronounce my last name as well as you have!! :-). Steve Pusey

  • Zoe and Jack will miss our wine fellowship with you.
    However we wish you a
    Speedy recovery and we hope to see you at next year’s starting have

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