Great Race 2024 – Day 4 – Frostburg, Maryland to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

June 25, 2024

Another day of Great Racing is in the books! We started the day in sunny and cool Maryland, and took a nice drive on U.S. 40 Scenic, eventually making our way back into West Virginia after crossing the Potomac River via the Oldtown Toll Bridge. This is one of the few remaining privately owned toll bridges in the United States, and it’s been in use since 1937. The wooden bridge sits low over the river, and offered a great opportunity for the racers to experience the historic bridge, while off the clock. After that, it was another run on the clock, and a transit into Purcellville, Virginia for lunch. We had a special venue for lunch, as Great Racer Ken Walsh welcomed us to his family farm for what we thought would be an intimate setting. As it turns out, Ken invited a few thousand friends to join us and it was packed from end to end. We enjoyed a wonderful meal and a quick trip through the Walsh car collection, which included dozens of 409-powered Chevrolets and some amazing drag cars. Then, we stopped at the Purcellville Shell Station for FREE GAS for all Great Racers, compliments of the Walsh Family. From there, it was a northward trek into Pennsylvania. We made a lap through the Gettysburg National Military Park, and eventually made it to our finish line at Gateway Gettysburg. With an amazing score of 3.96 seconds, Howard and Doug Sharp won Stage 4 in their 1916 Hudson. That puts them in the lead in the cumulative scoring, but the Top 5 is tight and packed with Great Race veterans.

9 comments about “Great Race 2024 – Day 4 – Frostburg, Maryland to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania”

  • My son and I enjoyed watching the cars finish in Gettysburg today and we enjoyed looking at all the cars too. It was our first time ever experiencing TGR! So many varied makes and models! Good luck to all the participants!

  • Vickie and I were able to see the cars come into Ken Walsh’s farm. What a great time. Great cars and great people all around. Congratulations to every car and drivers. You are all winners! Ken Walsh is our hero!

  • Thanks to Ken Walsh for hosting the lunch stop. Wonderful to see all the cars and get a chance to talk with the crews. Great time and plenty of shade!

  • Cars were great to see but we enjoyed walking around and talking to the people. Everyone was super friendly and willing to talk. We have an antique car but not the money to join the race. We made some contacts that will be valuable in the future. Everyone wins something just by being here.

  • And–Kudos to the photographer and the Great Race organization. Fantastic event; fantastic autos; fantastic people !

  • Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow in beautiful historic Montgomery, NY! I’ll be at the lunch table ready for you all! ❤️

  • The Ken waish family rolled out the red carpet for all. Great venue for everyone. Purcelville stop killed it. Thank again. Gary smith

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