Great Race 2024 – Day 2 – Lawrenceburg, Indiana to Marietta, Ohio

June 23, 2024

What a day! It was a long trek from our start hotel to the actual starting point of the day’s timed course, and we had to fight a little traffic along the way. Once racers were on the clock, a stopped train threw dozens of racers for a loop with a 30-plus minute delay, but the veterans knew how to handle such an issue. Once we got past that, we enjoyed the rural backroads of Ohio, as we made our way to Lancaster, Ohio for lunch. We were blown away with the turnout in downtown Lancaster…thousands of people flooded the street to give our racers a warm welcome. Racers grabbed a quick lunch and some frozen custard, and got back on the road. We saw lots of twists and turns and blind hills on the afternoon route, and plenty of tricky maneuvers to keep racers on their toes. The first half of the field had decent weather, but the last half of the running order had afternoon rain showers and occasional downpours, adding to the challenge. Those downpours eventually made it over to Marietta, Ohio, but not before thousands of folks swarmed the streets to cheer on the Great Race. Even with the wet stuff, we had an amazing time in Marietta and enjoyed a wonderful meal at the Lafayette Hotel. Despite the day’s challenges, Steve, Janet and Allison Hedke took home top honors with an astonishing score of 7 seconds on the day. Two days, two different winners! Let’s see what happens on day 3 as we cross into West Virginia and Maryland!

24 comments about “Great Race 2024 – Day 2 – Lawrenceburg, Indiana to Marietta, Ohio”

  • My husband, Erik and I, came down to Marietta from Port Clinton, OH, to see the Great Race come into town! It was a fantastic experience!! We had the opportunity to chat with Peggy and Vic, car #58, and now we plan to follow them and cheer “The Honeymooners” on!!!

    • It was great talking with both of you as well! Looking forward to running the 2025 Great Race with you as well!
      Signing up is very easy, the waiting
      For the race goes real fast the Great Race is one of the best experiences
      If you love to travel. The organization
      Ot this group is exquisite!

    • Thank you! Signing up for 2025
      Is the first step! The organization of this group is exquisite! Looking forward to running with you next year!

    • Looking forward to seeing them in Binghamton, NY as they pass through!! Our son is one of the Alfred State Team. He’s having the time of his life! This is such an incredible, once in a lifetime experience for these students!! Thank you to all who helped make it possible!

  • Much thanks especially to number 5 for going out of their way to showing us under the hood and inside the car. God speed number 5.

  • Realy glad they had a stop here. Seen alot of old cars and trucks and talked to the drivers and about the race and the changles they had . Maybe one day I’ll inter the race . Good luck to u all

  • Loved the story about car #167 and the young drivers. Had quite a chat with their support guy David. He even supported our family owned business, Schafer Leather Store. Thanks to all who made it possible for the Great American Race to stop in our neck of the woods! Ask if the cars were beautiful and the drivers so friendly!

  • Passed two on the interstate near Parkersburg this morning on my way to work. A Studebaker and an older car! I honked hello to both of them. Good luck to everyone! I wish I could’ve seen them when they came into Marietta yesterday!

  • Wish I knew the route they were coming into Binghamton on , just got out of hospital and need to view from a car . Couldn’t handle crowds where they will end downtown. So nice to see these older cars .

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