Great Race 2019 Day 2 — Lancaster, CA to Carson Valley, NV

June 24, 2019

What a day! We covered a lot of ground on Day 2 of the Hemmings Motor News Great Race presented by Hagerty. We started the day in Lancaster, California, and hit the road bright and early. The morning route was straight forward and featured long stretches of scenic highway with snow-capped mountains to our left with more mountains to our right. We passed through Red Rock Canyon State Park, as well as several small towns such as Lone Pine, Independence, and Big Pine. Even though it felt like low-lying desert land, we were gradually climbing in elevation as we made our way to Bishop, California for lunch. Our brief stop at the Bishop City Park was awesome with plenty of shade and delicious BBQ that had us begging for a second helping. From there, we inched our way closer those snow-capped mountains, and the result was an incredible view the early portion of the afternoon course. Then, we made our way up to Deadman Summit, with an elevation of 8,047 feet. The elevation changes and the extremely long day of rallying (400 miles) made for a tough day, but we finally made it to Carson Valley, specifically Gardnerville, Nevada. The folks in the area came out for a car show, and spectators came out in droves. As the action was winding down, our scoring team gave us the news that the Stage 2 winners were Brad and Erin Kaplan in their 1966 Ford Mustang.

23 comments about “Great Race 2019 Day 2 — Lancaster, CA to Carson Valley, NV”

  • Pictures are beautiful, cars looking good and scenery unbelievable. Good luck to everyone and stay safe.

    • Thank you for the great updates and wonderful pictures every day. I was one of the volunteers at The California Route 66 Museum in Victorville. It was a wonderful event.

  • My 9 year old daughter and I enjoyed seeing the cars and talking to the drivers in Carson Valley! She got to sit in a Jag E-type and a BMW; really nice, thanks.

  • My daughter, son & two grandsons had the opportunity to watch all the groups come by as we sat under a pop-up on highway 14 just above Ridgecrest. This was something they will always remember so thank all of you for you kind waves & horn honks as you went by. May God Bless you all on your continued journey!

  • we were coming home from Eastern Sierras yesterday– we didn’t know about the Great Race until we saw the incredible display of automobiles running through Mojave! so glad and surprised to see! thanks everybody!

  • We were traveling the opposite direction (south) and saw all those beautiful cars going up hwy 375 great job

  • Here in Grass Valley for the Lunch Stop, cars rolling into the Downtown
    District – lots of Happy
    Faces with old memories.
    The Drivers and Navigators are Terrific,
    So Much Fun!!! Thanks for passing through our town!

  • Stay alive #55
    Rock on Rock and Larry, great day for you. Two thumbs up!!!
    Best wishes from your (other) friends and team boosters
    D&P Team Phoenix

  • Very disappointed that you would put Nevada County Road Workers in danger by ignoring the flag crews and warning signs. I understand this is a race but have some common sense and decency. These guys put their lives in danger repairing roads every day and don’t need the antics of a bunch if road racers threatening thier lives.

  • I’m sure the road workers weren’t threatened since these cars, some of which are over 100 years old travel under control and speed isn’t the main criteria of the race. My money is on those workers probably enjoyed seeing this spectacle of auto history Karyn.

  • So fascinated by this race and what it means to everyone!! I love catching up every day! Good luck to everyone and continue to be safe!!

  • Thank you for the great update notes and wonderful pictures along the route. I was a volunteer at the 1st stop in Victorville, CA – California Route 66 Museum.. It was a blast !

  • Ah, I wish I would have found this earlier. I was trying to post my photos on Facebook. Here is a link to the cars passing by the City of California City the morning of day two. Happy to see someone was taking photos of the pass through in gorgeous Red Rock Canyon State Park just to the north of us. I was the one that arranged for a few folks to be waving from the over pass to our city. We all enjoyed it!

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