2014 Great Race Rules are Now Posted

January 3, 2014


The official 2014 Great Race Event Regulations have been released and posted on the Great Race website. Great Race Director Jeff Stumb says that more than 99 percent of the regulations have stayed the same, but he encourages everyone participating in the event this summer to read over them.

The biggest change is the acceptance of vehicles through 1972, up three years from 1969. However, the age factor (handicap) will remain the same as it has for the past three years. Vehicles manufactured in 1970, 1971 and 1972 will have a factor of 1.00. Starting with vehicles manufactured in 1969, the factor is .995, and the age factor continues to decrease with each year older the vehicle is.

Teams are scored each day and penalized for every second early or late they are to a check point, and that score is multiplied by the vehicles factor to get the official score. The lowest score wins the day, and the lowest score for the entire event is the overall Grand Champion.

Other changes were mostly to clean up wording to help make the regulations as clear as possible.

Participants can find the 2014 Event Regulations under the “About” tab in the menu bar at www.greatrace.com. It is listed as “2014 Rules.”

It can also be reached by clicking the following link: https://www.greatrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/event_regulations_2014.pdf

2 comments about “2014 Great Race Rules are Now Posted”

  • My wife and I would like to volunteer at the Great Race. How do we go about doing that. We would be arriving from Phoenix, AZ and would join the start of the race in Maine. Is there jobs we could do? We are with the Automotive/Restoration Club of Sun City West, AZ and our two of our club members (Herb Clark & Don Kloth) have entered a Model A Speedster. We were part of the Old Wheels Car Club in Columbia, Mo. for the first Great Race that provided the lunch stop in Boonville, Missouri. We have been in a Cactus Derby in Phoenix and have followed the race throughout the years. Tom Jones 503-887-3430 Suzanne Jones 623-764-3163

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